Orlando Health – Lake Beauty Park

Orlando Health – Lake Beauty Park Overview

Orlando, FL

Lake Beauty Park is a City of Orlando urban park space that serves as the iconic element to the southern edge of Orlando Health’s downtown campus. Coming out of several years of master planning and urban design work completed for the campus, Orlando Health engaged the design studio at GAI’s Community Solutions Group to focus on this public open space with the intention to redevelop it into a key amenity for patients, staff, and visitors to the campus. Taking cues from the campus vision to establish a clean, healthy, engaging environment, the design focuses on joining the precise character of the campus architecture and urban form with the calming effect of the natural setting by providing an interaction between hardscape, planting, and water. The design incorporates street-side stormwater bio-retention planters and littoral planting—adding a layer of environmental responsibility that was absent under the previous condition (approximately 1.5 ac of street area flowed virtually unchecked into the lake).


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