Page 5 - My FlipBook
P. 5
struction Scheduling SR-9B Design-Build, Jacksonville, FL
ƒƒ Early review of construction scheduling
Prime consultant for 3.5 miles of new alignment along Interstate
and milestones 295 in Jacksonville, FL, including 13 bridge structures over
ƒƒ Schedules based on conceptual design objectives waterways and wetlands, and active Interstate highways.
ƒƒ Understanding of permitting and agency review impact The System-to-System interchange at the intersection of I-295
and SR 9B will accommodate future build-out.
on scheduling
ƒƒ Expedited permitting processes

Constructability Review
ƒƒ Potential areas of conflict identified in

conceptual design
ƒƒ Examination of value engineering potential
ƒƒ Discussion of potential challenges, material

deliveries, and equipment maneuvering

Value Engineering
ƒƒ Incorporation of value engineering concepts

into every stage of design
ƒƒ Proactive focus on cost reduction throughout

the project
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