Abeera Batool, PE, PhD

Senior Project Engineer

Abeera Batool specializes in various aspects of geotechnical engineering including site characterization, developing geotechnical design parameters, design of shallow and deep foundations, retaining walls, and support of excavation. Abeera’s expertise include advanced seepage and loading rate analyses of upstream constructed tailings dams, including stability and seismic evaluations. She also has experience in design of landslide remediations, management of geotechnical information for green infrastructure projects, and providing on-site construction supervision.

Abeera is a graduate of Virginia Tech, where her masters and doctoral research included advanced underseepage analyses of levees in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. She has published in peer-reviewed journals about her research, and contributed to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Technical Report (TR 18-24) on comparison of levee underseepage analysis methods using blanket theory and finite element.