Cultural Resources Overview
GAI’s cultural resources group was one of the first in the nation to provide archaeological and historic architectural services within an engineering consulting firm. For more than 35 years, we have successfully guided clients through the Section 106, NEPA, FERC, and environmental permitting processes, and have skillfully managed consultation with Native American tribes and local, state, and federal historic preservation entities. Our professionals mobilize across the U.S., providing top-quality service for clients in transportation, energy, government, and private land development.
Nationally recognized for efficiently meeting the requirements of historic preservation and environmental regulations, GAI’s team of cultural resources specialists provide innovative services in historic, prehistoric, and urban archaeology, historic preservation and public outreach, and soils science. From nuclear power plants, electric transmission lines, and natural gas pipelines to military battlefields and Native American sites, GAI has built a solid performance record for providing accurate, cost-effective results that serve clients’ time-sensitive needs. Learn more about our Cultural Resources services.