Stream and Wetland Restoration Overview
GAI’s Stream and Wetland Restoration team is ready to help clients address both the unique and common circumstances and effects of stream bed and bank degradation. Our professionals have designed temporary, immediate repairs under emergency permits as well as permanent long-term solutions, often incorporating both timelines into the same design. GAI has staff available and trained at a range of levels, including civil and environmental engineers, environmental scientists, surveyors, and field support staff.
GAI’s multidiscipline team is also well versed in navigating the regulations associated with resource impacts and mitigation.
- GAI’s Stream and Wetland Restoration professionals have designed a range of mitigation solutions to address conditions that appear to hinder the ability to mitigate site impacts on site, including sites located on steep wooded terrain and in confined areas. If conditions permit, our team can design and permit the restoration of impacted resources on site–this approach expedites project schedules and often decreases overall costs as the mitigation solution can be constructed in coordination with a project’s development.
- If on-site mitigation isn’t practical, GAI is experienced in identifying and designing locations where off-site mitigation can provide maximum uplift, limit site disturbance, and allow opportunities for public outreach, recreation, and aquatic and riparian enhancement. Whether on or off site, our designs consider long-term stability and constructability. Additionally, we are currently building relationships with mitigation bankers that will facilitate the process if the client or agencies see banking as the best mitigation solution for a given project.
- Our professionals also understand the complexity of large-scale, full-delivery projects, including those associated with conservation sites that are managed by nonprofit agencies, in-lieu-fee (ILF) programs, and mitigation banking. GAI has established successful working relationships with Interagency Review Teams in numerous states, and we continue to grow and expand our service areas.