Mary Rohde
Assistant Environmental Director
Mary specializes in environmental project management and permitting for energy projects. In her role as the Assistant Environmental Director for a range of energy projects, she works with an interdisciplinary staff of engineers, cultural resource specialists, land surveyors, environmental specialists, and construction personnel to efficiently reach client goals and schedules. Mary’s duties include review of routing and siting constraints and environmental impacts; coordination of environmental regulatory approvals at the local, state, and federal government levels; waste stream management; providing compliance training and monitoring for hydro, transmission, distribution, transportation, pipeline, and private clients on projects ranging from small parcels to long linear corridors; and more.
Mary has extensive field experience conducting ecological surveys and has years of practical experience in roles including environmental inspector, agency compliance monitor, and stormwater inspector.
Mary holds a BS in Natural Sciences and Wildlife Ecology from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. She is a Certified Endangered Resources Reviewer for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and regularly conducts rare species impact assessments and presence/absence surveys for a variety of flora and fauna in the state.