Mary Beth Berkes, PE, MS

Restoration Practice Lead

Mary Beth is an Assistant Civil Technical Leader with GAI and serves as GAI’s Engineering Lead for Stream and Wetland Mitigation Design. She also manages a team of experienced and junior staff that has a passion for hydraulic design work. She has more than 13 years of design experience, specializing in hydrologic and hydraulic analyses and modeling, inundation studies and investigations, natural channel design, stream restoration and bank stabilization for protection of utilities, property and resources, geomorphic surveys, and field assessments. Her experience also includes coastal and ocean engineering, dam design and hydraulic analysis, and design of hydraulic structures.

Mary Beth is a Professional Engineer (PE) licensed in six states including Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Wisconsin. She has completed the Rosgen Levels I through IV courses and her training resume includes formal courses relating to multi-dimensional hydraulic modeling for stream restoration, advanced HEC-RAS modeling and scour analysis, and hydrologic and hydraulic permitting and procedures. Mary Beth’s design experience specific to stream and wetland mitigation includes more than 3 miles of stream restoration design for two mitigation sites in West Virginia; restoration and stabilization design for nine headwater stream restoration projects across West Virginia; stream relocation within a FEMA floodway for utility protection in Indiana; extensive experience (10+ projects) involving pipeline protection in Pennsylvania; significant experience (5+ projects) involving bank stabilization on large rivers and small streams through bio-engineering methods, hard armoring or a hybrid approach; and design and hydrologic assessments for seven wetland mitigation sites in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin

Mary Beth Berkes was recognized as Young Professional of the Year by the Society of Military Engineers – Pittsburgh Post, in May 2019 due to her enthusiasm for her professional work, noted career progression, and volunteer efforts to the Post. She received her MS in Civil Engineering with a concentration in Coastal and Ocean Engineering from Oregon State University, and a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh.