Stephen Gould, MS, MBA

Chief Administrative Officer

Board of Directors member Stephen Gould, MS, MBA is GAI’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).

Over the course of a 30-year tenure, Stephen’s supportive leadership approach and his commitment to serve GAI’s long-term clients and nurture new client relationships have worked to help GAI grow its business and expand its service offerings. As executive sponsor of GAI’s Inclusion initiative and Employee Engagement Task Force, Stephen champions a range of internal initiatives that help promote staff cohesion and collaboration, encourage and develop top talent, and cultivate a beneficial GAI corporate culture.

Stephen joined GAI in 1992 as part of the geology and groundwater services group. In the mid-1990s, Stephen helped to introduce Geographic Information System (GIS) technology as a GAI core service to support analysis, environmental, and engineering-related projects. Stephen became GAI’s Chief Operating Officer in 2019, a role in which he served until starting his current position.