GAI’s CSG Donates Expertise in Support of Kids’ Healing

Landscape ArchitectAn article published in Landscape Architect and Specifier News magazine authored by GAI Vice President Pete Sechler, PLA, AICP, MBA, Director of GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG) describes the CSG’s support in developing an enhanced play and garden area for  New Hope for Kids, a nonprofit organization located in Maitland, FL.

Read the full article and discover how this donation of time and expertise by GAI’s CSG exemplifies the group’s commitment to think of ways to provide ongoing, holistic support in the communities it serves.

New Hope for Kids is devoted to bringing hope, healing, and happiness to children and families suffering from grief, loss, or life-threatening illnesses. The organization achieves this through two programs: The Center for Grieving Children, which helps children and families cope with the feelings of grief and loss after the death of a loved one; and Wishes for Kids, which grants wishes to children up to the age 19, diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. Find out how you can help support New Hope for Kids

GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG) is a multifaceted practice that integrates design, planning, and economic expertise to help create sustainable, livable places—message GAI online and start the conversation about how our multidiscipline professionals can meet your unique project needs.

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