Abstract | A 2006 CRM study explored Paleoindian Site 33Ms391, located in Meigs County, southeastern Ohio, in the unglaciated Appalachian Plateaus province (GAI 2006a, 2006b). The site lies on a late-Pleistocene dune field that mantles a T3 terrace above the Ohio River.
Kollecker (1995) discovered Site 33Ms391 during surface survey, recovering a fragmentary fluted point. In 2006, surface collection and testing relocated Site 33Ms391, revealing a site footprint measuring 250 m by 150 m on high ground fronting a topographic basin. The site consists of five plowzone artifact clusters (cluster 1, 144 m²; cluster 2, 108 m²; cluster 3, 36 m²; cluster 4, 72 m²; cluster 5, 108 m²). To the west, clusters 3 and 5 yielded Brewerton notched points, indicating late-Archaic occupations, while cluster 4 is undated. To the east, two fluted points in cluster 1 record a Paleoindian component, and a triangular endscraper suggests Paleoindian occupation in adjacent cluster 2.