Stoops Ferry Road (SR 0051) over Flaugherty Run Bridge Replacement Overview
Allegheny County, PA
This $3.5 million PennDOT District 11-0 bridge replacement project, consisting of preliminary design and construction services—which included design review services for the contractor’s design-build deliverables—involved the removal of an existing four-sided concrete rigid frame structure that carried SR 0051 (Stoops Ferry Road) over Flaugherty Run in Moon Township, Pennsylvania.
Through preliminary investigation and coordination with Moon Township staff and the District, GAI incorporated into the design the addition of a third (center two-way, left-turn) lane on the structure that ties into the existing three-lane section (truck climbing lane) on SR 0051. The design also included new traffic signals at the intersection of SR 0051 (Stoops Ferry Road) and SR 0051 (McGovern Boulevard)/SR 3089 (Flaugherty Run Road).
To reduce impacts on traffic and local business, Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) was used. GAI recommended that the replacement structure be a single-span bridge with precast, prestressed deck beam modules set on integral abutments. GAI completed preliminary design, including Final Type, Size, and Location (TS&L) plans for use by the design-build contractor; construction specifications; ABC cost estimate; and a detailed construction schedule. Critical to the success of this project was usage of ABC, which significantly reduced construction duration from approximately 4 months to 12 days. During the 12-day ABC closure, work activities included demolition of the existing bridge; setting of substructure and superstructure; placing of Ultra High Performance Concrete to connect the modules; and asphalt approach paving.
The replacement structure has a span length of 77 feet and an out-to-out width of 57 feet, 8 inches. It also features a new, full-width sidewalk and complete ADA accommodations at the intersection, allowing pedestrians of all abilities to safely traverse the structure. Lastly, the bridge’s improved shoulders and bicycle-safe bridge railings encourages cycling along Bicycle PA Route A.