Dupont Road Widening Overview
Fort Wayne, IN
To accommodate increasing growth along this major corridor, GAI designed this $12.1 million project for the City of Fort Wayne, consisting of widening approximately 9,300 ft of Dupont Road from two to four lanes. The design also includes a two-way, left-turn lane in certain segments, as well as mountable raised medians with landscaping where left-turn lanes were not required. This project represents the City’s desire to become more pedestrian and bicycle friendly, and possesses characteristics of a “livable street.” GAI implemented context-sensitive solutions into the design, such as storm sewer and drainage improvements, a 10-ft, multiuse path, three new traffic signals, a 5-ft sidewalk on the north side, concrete curb and gutter, decorative LED street lighting, and street trees. Also, a pedestrian/bicyclist underpass facilitates safe access to the popular Pufferbelly Trail.
Innovative, on-site, water quality best management practices (BMPs) were used to treat the first inch of rainfall prior to discharge into four separate regulated drain watersheds within the project limits. Due to diverse land uses along the corridor’s urban-to-suburban transition, GAI included various treatment techniques to fit within each unique right-of-way segment.
Lastly, GAI’s design incorporates green infrastructure infiltration galleries, bioretention basins, and retrofitted sediment control forebays in an existing neighborhood pond, as well as swirl concentrating sediment removal practices.