Virginia’s Renewable Energy Outlook: Funding and Progress

Funding for renewable energy developments is directly linked to federal-level energy policy decisions.

As global events such as climate change and international conflict have affected our nation, renewable energy objectives have gained financial backing and frequent redirection. Staying apprised of these developments facilitates technical readiness to continue supporting the environmentally responsible and efficient operation of our energy industry.

This white paper details the current climate of renewable energy development funding and predicts near-future renewable energy developments in the Commonwealth of Virginia based on federal- and state-level policy research. An abstract of the paper is provided below.

ABSTRACT | Climate change and United States (U.S.) dependence on fossil fuels sourced from countries often involved in international conflict catalyzed the U.S. federal government's recent history of aggressively pursuing renewable energy generation growth. Federal level funding has since been the driving force behind renewable energy generation technology research and development and installation of new renewable energy generation sites. This white paper summarizes the nation's recent history of renewable energy development funding, how advancements in renewable technologies seen today were facilitated by this funding, and outlines currently available federal-level and Virginia state-level funding for new or recent renewable energy developments.

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