On November 23rd, CBS’s 60 Minutes aired a story titled “Falling apart: America’s neglected infrastructure.”
In response to this piece, Greg Nettuno, PE, Senior Vice President and Infrastructure Business Unit Director for GAI Consultants, Inc., stated “CBS’s story on the ailing state of our nation’s infrastructure hit the nail on the head—our infrastructure is in trouble, The Federal Highway Trust Fund (its major source of revenue) is nearly bankrupt, and lawmakers can’t agree on where the money will come from. As I’ve said in my previous blogs on the Impacts of Recent Infrastructure Funding Reform Part I and Part II, the best way for states to combat the lack of federal transportation funding is to come up with new forms of transportation funding on their own. That is just what Pennsylvania did with House Bill 1060, and states like Maryland and Virginia are approving similar measures. Other states need to get on board to fix structurally-deficient bridges, crumbling roadways, congested airports, and obsolete seaports if they expect to enhance public safety and keep our economy competitive with other nations.”