East Northfield Drive Construction Inspection Services Overview
Town of Brownsburg, IN
GAI provided construction inspection services for a new road segment of East Northfield Drive (CR 300 North to CR 400 North), completing the eastern portion of bypass and connecting South Green Street and North Green Street. This $7.1 million federal aid LPA inspection project involves construction of new pavement with curb and gutters, two roundabouts, storm sewers, lighting, signage, and a multiuse path with a pedestrian tunnel under the new roadway. The project began in 2018; the first stage of construction has been completed from the south end of the project to just north of CR 300 North, including the roundabout at CR 300 North. The second phase of construction was substantially completed in November 2019, including the roundabout at CR 400 North and the relocated pedestrian trail through the tunnel.