OBT Next Overview
Orange County, FL
In the 1950s and 60s, Orange Blossom Trail (OBT) (part of US 441) in Orlando, Florida was the area’s premier north-south route for tourists, filled with hotels, great restaurants, and other thriving businesses.
Today, the landscape on OBT is very different—in the past four decades, the corridor has experienced disinvestment leading to destabilized businesses and neighborhoods.
Grounded in extensive public outreach, community input, and data analysis, this plan seeks to respond to the changing economic environment, and the evolving demographic and market conditions in the community. It is organized to ensure that incremental moves occur within a larger framework and are aligned with a future vision of the OBT corridor and surrounding neighborhoods developed by the community.
The plan framework is made up of a Vision – An inclusive, accessible, diverse, and connected corridor that is collectively governed and support transformative change to improve its well-being- supported by six Guiding Principles—implemented initially through six Big Moves and Catalyst Projects.
This is the first-ever comprehensive master plan prepared for the eight-mile corridor of Orange Blossom Trail (OBT). The OBT Development Board initiated the planning effort to specifically identify and address issues impacting the corridor’s viability.
This master plan is one of the three plans created, the other two are:
- Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) Plan Update
- Safe Neighborhood Plan Update
All the plans complement each other, but only the master plan illustrates the overall vision and framework for the entire eight-mile corridor. The OBT master plan lays out a roadmap for OBT as an area that can be economically competitive and socially relevant in today’s world.