Poinciana Parkway Extension Overview
Osceola County, FL
GAI is providing final design and construction drawings/specifications for Segment 1 of the extension of SR 538 (Poinciana Parkway) from CR 532 to Ronald Reagan Parkway in Osceola and Polk Counties, Florida. This Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) project will enhance mobility and alleviate congestion in a rapidly developing corridor through the addition of 3 miles of new 4-lane, limited access highway. GAI’s design innovations in Segment 1 include a diverging diamond interchange (DDI) at the intersection of SR 538 and US 17-92, which will significantly reduce traffic delays as compared to the original concept. Additional elements include roadway design, drainage design, nine bridge structures, retaining walls, environmental permitting, intelligent transportation system (ITS), lighting, signing and pavement markings, signalization, maintenance of traffic, utility coordination, design survey, right-of-way mapping, geotechnical analysis, scheduling and project controls, as well as progress reporting and other associated tasks.