Riverplace Boulevard Complete Street Overview
Duval County, FL
GAI worked with the City of Jacksonville, Florida, on the implementation of a place-based reconstruction and “road diet” for Riverplace Boulevard. The project had been long identified as a top-priority project of the South Bank Community Redevelopment Area (CRA), focusing on the need to balance auto movement with increased bike/pedestrian safety. The objectives of this road diet also incorporated a “placemaking” approach in order to support emergent development, such as residences and retail, while addressing a regional desire for increased access to the Riverwalk. GAI led the public involvement effort, exploring several alternative scenarios, which helped guide the City in selected the most appropriate final design. The preferred concept included a roadway reduction from 5 to 3 vehicular lanes; buffered bike lanes; on-street parking; increased sidewalks and pedestrian crossings; as well as contemporary streetscape solutions such as low-impact design (LID) urban rain gardens, lighting, and decorative seat walls. The project also features enhanced access to public transit and utility improvements.
GAI further worked with the City to achieve the project vision. As prime consultant, GAI served as Engineer-of-Record, and provided all landscape architecture and civil engineering services. Today, the project is successfully built, and is a highly popular example of a Complete Street that fulfills the diverse community needs of the City.