SR 0980-B02 over Chartiers Creek

SR 0980-B02 over Chartiers Creek Overview

Washington County, PA

GAI completed engineering services for Beech Construction, Inc. (BCI) on this $2.6 million design-build project for PennDOT District 12-0 to replace a truss bridge that carries State Route 980 (South Central Avenue) over Chartiers Creek in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. GAI eliminated one steel beam line from the Conceptual Type, Size, and Location Studies preferred concept and developed efficient alternate drainage concepts to allow BCI to provide the most cost-effective bid to PennDOT. Railroad coordination was required for the replacement structure and for the temporary shoring. The new structure maintains the line and grade of the previous structure, which minimized roadway approach work and provides a smooth transition to the at-grade railroad crossing that effectively drains the roadway and adjacent railroad property. The project involved the design of full-height cantilever abutments and a shallow steel superstructure, as well as extensive utility coordination with electric, cable, water, and sanitary utility owners.

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