Founded by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) in 1951, Engineers Week is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers. That means inspiring young people to pursue an engineering path through a series exciting programs, stimulating activities, and by sharing the inspiring achievements of the engineers at work today.
GAI is proud to be home to hundreds of accomplished engineering professionals whose knowledge and significant work can illustrate engineering’s possibilities for young people. Here are a few of the distinguished professional engineers that we’ve highlighted over the past year—let their expertise provide a glimpse of what’s possible for aspiring engineers to achieve!
Aimee Shields, PE, MBA has taken part in a number of high-impact projects that have helped build a better Orlando—in 2019, her accomplishments earned her Top Young Professional recognition from Engineering News Record (ENR) Southeast.
Todd Wilson, PE, MBA is a traffic engineer and author who shared some of the Pittsburgh civil engineering inspirations that set him on the path to a fulfilling career. He recently helped the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Pittsburgh Section mark its 100th anniversary by contributing to ASCE’s new book, Engineering Pittsburgh: A History of Roads, Rails, Canals Bridges & More. Todd is also a frequent speaker and guest lecturer on a range of engineering topics.

Shaun Long, PE, MS, DBIA and his teammates took part in a range of projects to help rebuild West Virginia communities that were hit by devastating floods. The work restored homes and local attractions, and helped qualify areas for post-flood development. The work helped rebuild the BC&G recreational rail-with-trail, and GAI also helped power the BC&G’s comeback with a cash donation for the purchase of a four-seat rail bike.
Richard Krajcovic Jr., PE, PTOE, MBA and his colleagues earned the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Pittsburgh Section’s Sustainability Award for revamping a busy Pittsburgh, PA intersection, optimizing traffic flow and safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists.
David Troianos, PE shared insights about Green Infrastructure—attractive, innovative solutions that are increasingly a first line of defense for managing stormwater. In areas with a high percentage of impermeable surfaces such as concrete, Green Infrastructure allows stormwater to move underground and often provides temporary storage rather than letting water flow freely into sewers where it can cause system overload.
Learn more about Engineers Week
For more information on Engineers Week, visit the DiscoverE website. See our EWeek activities article for some great hands-on projects that will inspire future engineers.
Programs planned in association with EWeek include Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (Feb. 21), the 2019 Global Marathon (five live online broadcasts, March 6 through April 3), Global Day of the Engineer (April 3), and more.