Elk Twomile Creek Site 14 Dam Rehabilitation

Elk Twomile Creek Site 14 Dam Rehabilitation Overview

Kanawha County, WV

The Elk Twomile Creek Site 14 Dam was constructed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and is maintained by the West Virginia Conservation Agency (WVCA) through the Capitol Conservation District (CCD). The earthen embankment dam is for flood control and is considered a high-hazard dam with an embankment height of approximately 74 feet. The dam controls a 415-acre drainage area and has a flood storage capacity of 98 acre-feet. In 2019, the CCD selected GAI to investigate seeps that were occurring along the left and right abutments.

GAI conducted an extensive review of the historic design drawings, inspection reports, and other files made available by WVCA and NRCS. In February 2020, GAI conducted a geotechnical exploration program to investigate and identify the location, depth, and extents of the seeps. After several weeks of monitoring water levels with piezometers, GAI was able to verify the nature of the seeps and provide recommendations for repair. GAI’s conceptual drawings were approved by the NRCS and the WVCA. The detailed design drawings, Engineer’s Design Report, and technical specs were used for construction. Construction was completed in October 2022.

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