Hazelwood Green Site Development (formerly ALMONO Brownfield) Overview
Allegheny County, PA
This 178-acre site located in the Hazelwood neighborhood in Pittsburgh is the former home of the LTV Hazelwood steel facility. GAI provided engineering services as part of the transformation of this site into what is proposed to be a new, vibrant center of technology, industry, business, and community. The site was a brownfield Act 2 site, and GAI worked with the Hazelwood Green design team to develop grass-lined infiltration swales; stormwater detention ponds; tree grates and rain garden areas; landscape area with native plant species; and separate roadway and site stormwater collection, conveyance and detention/ treatment areas. GAI’s services also included National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NDPES) Permit and Erosion & Sedimentation Control (E&SC) design/approval, cultural resources investigation, stormwater management, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) and City of Pittsburgh Sewage Facilities Planning Modules, and roadway and utility infrastructure construction and demolition plans and specifications.
A major part of fulfilling the vision for this development was GAI’s coordination with both the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and the City of Pittsburgh to obtain approvals for roadway and utility infrastructure improvements in order to rezone the site from “general industrial” to a “mixed-use, Special Planning District.” This was an innovative site in regard to infiltration being permitted on an Act 2 site and in respect to the separation of stormwater collection, conveyance, and treatment facilities’ ownership between Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority and the Hazelwood Green Development owners.