Kentucky Generating Station CCR Landfill Project Overview
GAI has performed full-service engineering services including geotechnical investigations; groundwater monitoring network design, installation, and sampling; environmental and cultural resources permitting; construction-level design; and on-site Owner’s Engineer support for this CCR landfill project. This project included a new 180-acre landfill for storage of CCRs, a haul road, bridge, and pipe conveyor. GAI worked with state and federal regulatory agencies including KYTC for the bridge crossing over a state highway right of way; KDWM for the landfill permit; KDOW for the low-hazard dam, stream construction permits, and Water Quality Certification Program; USACE, Louisville District for Section 404 Permitting; USFWS / KDFWR for Biological Assessments and Threatened and Endangered Special consultation; EPA, Region 4 for Alternatives Analysis; and the Kentucky Heritage Council.