The Town of Eatonville’s Capacity Building Program Overview
Orange County, FL
GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG) partnered with the Winter Park Health Foundation and Central Florida’s John Scott Dailey Florida Institute of Government as an embedded consultant for the Historic Town of Eatonville. CSG provided support to the Town Council and Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) as they funded a community Capacity Building Program to ensure the Town’s economic growth, sustainability, and future.
In addition to coordinating engineering services, GAI developed an updated CRA Plan and budget to support community outreach, encourage public workshops, and highlight the collaboration with regional agencies on projects that could impact the community. Several developing opportunities within the Town included the recruiting of a high-tech corporate headquarters that could bring 140 jobs to the community; the preparation of Request for Qualifications and Request for Proposal documents for the solicitation of developers for a 95-acre School Board-owned Hungerford parcel; the construction of a new Hungerford Elementary School in tandem with the Boys & Girls Club expansion; and funding and design of West Kennedy Boulevard’s bikeway and median additions.